AK-Lakefront Resort
With such an elegant slope for a site and views to ...read more
behold, the concept explores a series of spaces sat into the slope, opening up to the views of the water, as well as the complementary ones to surrounding hills. In particular, two spines, the north-south and the east-west anchor the backbone of the proposed design. It is along these that different spaces are not only accessed but also along which guests will form unforgettable bonds within the landscape of the resort. The slope offers an opportunity to cascade the landscape, over well sculpted levels, rich in a variety of plants, complemented with a series of water features, around which guests can pause to gaze, gather to meet and/ or “hide away” to rest or reflect. While the north-south spine distinguishes the exclusive boarding and lodging from its terminus over a pier, the east-west spine is a tributary along which guests will encounter a sense of public versus private, noisy versus quiet all the while promoting the site as retreat, a haven. The AK-Lakefront Resort will be the first of the kind in its location - a deliberate effort to offer an experience befitting of a lake front development.
Team : Alex Ndibwami, Aristide Mbainoungam Djambaye