What We Do
What we do is primarily in the realm of architecture. Infinite Axis though, is aware of the role architecture plays in shaping society and the environment. As such, we have experience and interests in undertaking research and empowering allied practitioners. In fact, some areas we have identified as key for us that integrate architecture, research and empowerment include: energy efficiency in buildings; savings / gains on building projects; undertaking Post Occupany Evaluation studies; probing future value of projects; interrogating drivers of productivity at the workplace and; studies around empathy, equity and the environment.
In particular, Infinite Axis perceives architecture from the viewpoint of locally grounded, driven, celebrated and / or place specific praxis. This is partly due to the opportunities and repercussions of both globalization and consumerism. As such, at the centre of our thinking is to conceptualize, promote and implement architecture projects that are uniquely inspired by local climate, materials, user awareness, efficiency and place.
In terms of research, Infinite Axis sees the opportunity there is in terms of generating, defining, interrogating and disseminating key Sub Saharan Africa (developing country) led research. In this regard, it is imperative for us to engage action research that inspires on the job, community and project related evaluation studies to realise key efficiencies and international best practice.
Infinite Axis particularly sees empowerment as a niche - where contributing to nurturing a critical mass of technically proficient professionals within the spheres of the built environment will be key. In addition, empowerment will extend to activities that assist society (our general public / potential clients / developers) in as far as understanding the modalities of realising high value projects is concerned. We see ourselves engaging in webinars, roundtables, office charettes, client design clinics among other needs based activities.